Journey Through Grief with Agrace

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Name: Journey Through Grief with Agrace
Date: May 19, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT
Event Description:

Are you grieving a death of someone close to you? Connect with others in a safe and supportive group setting. Agrace is offering a six-week guided grief support group for people who have experienced the death of someone close to them. 
  • Find comfort in knowing others will listen--and can relate to your experience. 
  • Discover healthy coping skills to care for yourself and build resilience as you grieve. 
Open to everyone, not just families of Agrace Hospice Care patients. Pre-registration required. Register today: (608) 327-7110 or 
1670 South Boulevard
Baraboo, WI
Date/Time Information:
Fridays, May 12-June 16, 2023
1 PM-3 PM
Contact Information:
Reedsburg Area Chamber of Commerce, 240 Railroad St, Reedsburg. (608) 524-2850
$75 if your loved one was not served by Agrace in the last year; can be waived
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Printed courtesy of – Contact the Reedsburg Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
240 Railroad Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959 – (608) 524-2850 –