Mark your calendars! Reedsburg Area Medical Center Foundation is excited to announce VetFest 2024!
Runners and walkers are invited to participate in the VetFest Half Marathon, 5K Run/ Walk, and 1 Mile Kids Fun Run. The 14th Annual VetFest will be heldSaturday,April13,2024. The RAMC Foundation will be carrying on the strong tradition that VetFest has had over the past 13 years, simultaneously raising money for local veterans' organizations as well as the RAMC Foundation and its mission of supporting the Reedsburg Area Medical Center and the Reedsburg Area Senior Life Center. All funds raised are returned to our community!
Please visit our website to register. Prices increase after January 31, 2024.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Reedsburg Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
240 Railroad Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959 – (608) 524-2850 –