• The mission of the Reedsburg Area Chamber of Commerce is to facilitate and enhance business development through a partnership with our community to achieve growth and prosperity.

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  • Country Music Dance at The Voyageur Inn's Grand Ballroom

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    Name: Country Music Dance at The Voyageur Inn's Grand Ballroom
    Date: October 23, 2022
    Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
    Event Description:

    Enjoy classic country music as performed by "Last Ride" in the Grand Ballroom. Doug Wallin is back by demand for another performance in our ballroom. Come early for a great Sunday Breakfast (7-11 AM) then join us in the ballroom for the show.

    To learn more about this event call (608) 524-6431 or email voyageurinnm1@gmail.com.
    Voyageur Inn & Conference Center Grand Ballroom
    200 Viking Drive
    Reedsburg, WI
    Date/Time Information:
    Sunday, October 23, 2022
    1-5 PM
    Contact Information:
    Reedsburg Area Chamber of Commerce, 240 Railroad St., Reedsburg. (608) 524-2850.
    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.